When you create a Brixx plan based on data from your Xero account, Brixx automatically populates the plan's Opening Balance, which can be found under Settings. 

In Brixx, the Opening Balance is the starting point for both Actuals and Forecast figures. This means, if your Opening Balance contains incorrect figures you will need to change this for the actual values from Xero to display correctly in reports.

One way that this can happen is by changing the start date of the plan. Currently, we do not re-import the Opening Balance values from Xero when the plan's start date is changed*. 

If you change the start date of your plan and have connected the plan to Xero you will need to take the following steps to make sure your plan's actuals are correct:

  1. In General Settings, change the plan's start date.
  2. Go to the Opening Balance, under Settings, and update the figures to the correct starting balance for the new plan start date.
  3. Go to any components that can contribute to the Opening Balance (Asset, Investment, Equity, Inventory) and ensure that these have the correct starting value for the new plan start date.
  4. Go to the Xero tab, ensure that Quick Update is set to "off" and click Update Data. This will trigger a full re-import of Xero data from the plan's new start date, rather than just the most recent month.

*We do not do this because the Brixx Opening Balance contains data that is entered directly into the Opening Balance form, and data from components such as Assets, Equity and Inventory, which may not be directly linked to a Xero account.