Cancel from the Manage Billing area

You can cancel your subscription in the Manage Billing page. To get to the Manage Billing page...

  1. Sign into Brixx
  2. Click on the 'Person' icon in the top right of the screen
  3. Select Manage Billing

Note that only the Licence Owner for an account will have access to the Manage Billing area.

In Manage Billing you will see a list of all subscriptions held by you.

Click 'Cancel subscription' next to your renewal date. You will need to confirm this action to complete it. Once confirmed, your subscription benefits will still continue until your next billing date, at that point it will end. If you change your mind you can click 'stop cancellation' to cancel this action so that your subscription continues as normal.

What happens to your plans

All your plans remained saved should you wish to return to Brixx. If you are on a package that has additional plan slots that you have used, you may find that some have been deactivated and can't be opened. 

When you purchase a new subscription and apply a licence to your Organisation, these will become active again. 

In addition, if your plans contain forecasts greater than 1 year in duration then you will not be able to view your dashboard or reports beyond this period until the Organisation has a licence re-assigned to it.

What happens to your Organisation members?

When a subscription ends, the licence it provides becomes unavailable. 

When an Organisation is unlicenced team members will be removed. 

However, they will still remain on plans they had access to as viewers and so will still stay on your People page. When you reassign a licence to the Organisation you can invite them back from here.